AC/DC Industrial Motors

Globaltech Motor & Controls, Inc. sells & remanufactures many types of AC/ DC Industrial Motors, with the highest quality and reliability. We specialize in the Rewind, Redesign, and Remanufacturing of large industrial vector duty electric motors for heavy industry. We thoroughly test all remanufactured motors utilizing Core Testing, Hipot testing, Load Testing and high speed test runs to ensure your motor will operate at its optimum level.

Dismantle motor & Inspect
Steam Clean & Blast parts
Rebuild Brushholders
Inspect all Mechanical fits
Perform Surge Test & Ground Test to Armature & Field Coils
Turn, Undercut and balance Armature
Final Assembly
Install new Brushes
Install new Bearings
Install new Hardware, Seals & Gaskets
No-Load Test (Full-Load test optional)
Perform Final Test & check Vibration
Outfit & Paint
***Standard 1 year warranty***